Nigerian Man Shocked at What People Do Abroad to Survive and Considers Returning Home, In-law Mocks Him in Viral Video

Nigerian Man Shocked at What People Do Abroad to Survive and Considers Returning Home, In-law Mocks Him in Viral Video

A Nigerian who travelled abroad in search of greener pasture is considering returning home after discovering making a living in the foreign land is not that easy.

Like many nigerians, changing environment by travelling abroad is considered by most people as a way to find better opportunities and improve their lives but sometimes fail to have a clear vision of what settling down over there really involve.

The man who rejected an office cleaning job secured with the help of an in-law to seek out opportunity in support work came back the following day to complain bitterly of the nature of the job.

The in-law descended upon him in a video posted online to mock him as many people seem not to pity him saying he got what he wanted.

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